Wednesday, December 17, 2014

DNA Comes Through

Great news. At last we have proof that the U.S. Tapscotts descended from Henry the Immigrant of Virginia are related to at least one British Tapscott. A Tapscott who never immigrated from England and who is descended from the Somerset line shows a match with me and another U.S. Tapscott with a yDNA genetic distance of 3 for 67 markers and with another U.S. Tapscott with a distance of 4 for 37 markers. We all share a common ancestor, probably from Somerset (or possibly Devon), with a 50% probability of being 10 generations back. Not only that we all closely match the Jamaican discussed in my blog of 21 Oct 2014.

And speaking of the Jamaican, it is thought that William Tapscott, the Rebel, who was transported around 1686 to Jamaica, ended up in Monmouth County, New Jersey. (See blog of 8 Feb 2014).  I now have a close autosomal match with a known descendant of Lydia Tapscott of Monmouth County, New Jersey.

Two "successes", but we are still awaiting others. We are still awaiting results for the descendant of Robert Francis Tapscott of Virginia. The test analyses have been postponed. And we still need yDNA test volunteers from the Tapscotts of Ohio, Canada, and Australia. But what a day!

On another subject, demand has been far greater than I expected for the 2nd Edition of Henry the Immigrant. But I still have a few copies left.


  1. Fantastic! So,This finally proves that we are blood related. Well Done, cousin!

  2. Gregory. Are you interested in getting an autosomal DNA test in hopes of providing evidence for a Tapscott connection? If so, contact me. If you have already done so, also contact me.


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