Saturday, December 12, 2015

Malina Hedgeman Bailey

Malina (

I was saddened to hear of the death of Malina Hedgeman Bailey (Courier News, Somerville, New Jersey, Thu 10 Dec 2015). Although she lived most of her life in New Jersey, Malina was related to the Tapscotts of Buckingham County, Virginia, specifically the line originating from Thomas Cobbs Tapscott and Amanda Davis [post of 5 Jan 2013]. Others connected to this line, but only by marriage, not by blood, were entertainer Bill Cosby and Eugene Charles Allen, whose life (with poetic license) was portrayed in the Hollywood movie, “The Butler” [post of 15 Aug 2015]. 

Malina was the granddaughter of Sarah ("Sarah Ladaan"?), wife of George Thomas Tapscott Sr. I once thought that Malina was descended from Sarah's first marriage with Robert Hubard, but (thanks to Malina's daughter, Ora) I now believe that is not correct.  Robert reportedly died in Sep 1880, well before the birth of any of Sarah Ladaan's known children - Addison Wilmington, Nannie E., John A., Sarah Malina, and George Thomas Jr. DNA studies indicate that Sarah Malina, and presumably the other children, were probably offspring of George Thomas Tapscott.

Buckingham County, where Malina was born, was one of Virginia’s “burned counties.” In Feb 1869, the courthouse, containing virtually all of the county’s records since its 1761 founding, went up in flame and Buckingham county historians have been immersed in murky waters ever since. For some time I have corresponded with Malina’s daughter, Ora Bailey-Hill, a well-known educator, writer, social activist, and genealogist (with DNA interests). Ora has helped me immensely in lifting a little of the fog from the Buckingham County Tapscotts and their connections. And that is how I learned of Malina.

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