Sunday, July 26, 2020

Henry's Children, The Tapscotts of the Wabash Valley

No, I haven't died. I am just struggling to complete Henry's Children, The Tapscotts of the Wabash Valley. What a hell of a lot of people! And I'm only going through generation four, counting Henry the Traveler (founder of the Wabash County Tapscotts) as generation one.

The reason for stopping there is that all members of that generation are deceased, and I have a strict rule that in my books I will give no more than names for living people. There are a number of living people for generation five. I am one. I will make an exception about providing details for living people only if (1) they specifically request that some of their history be included or (2) they are a hot news item owing to fame or misfortune. The latter has yet to come to my attention for living descendants of Henry the Traveler.

I would like to make this book more than a dry history and I am asking your help. I plan to periodically post here a draft book section on one of Henry's descendants. (Without reference notes to make it more readable.) If you have additional information, possess a photo, or know some family or personal stories about the person, things that might be good for the book, please drop me a line ( Of course it you see blatant errors, upsetting details, stupid statements, inappropriate remarks, plagiarism, etc. please let me know those also. (I hope to catch bad grammar or typos myself.) Remember I am planning to give out free copies of this book (assuming it ever gets written), and those copies will go first to contributors of information, photos, etc. And the names of significant contributors will appear in the acknowledgments.

Look here for upcoming draft sections. And thanks a lot.

Hope to see you soon.

Bob Tapscott

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