Thursday, August 28, 2014

Henry the Immigrant, 2nd Edition, DONE!

The writing of the second edition of Henry the Immigrant has been finished, at last. The book still needs to be printed and that may take a little while since I will be heading out of town for a few weeks and I don't want  printed copies to be delivered while I am gone. (I am heading for Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky to research my next book, tentative title The Tapscotts of the Wabash Valley.) I am shooting to have the book printed by then end of October. I will continue to blog and let you all know when it actually goes to the printer.

On another subject, I am still looking for Tapscott descendants to do DNA testing and to join the Tapscott project on Family Tree DNA. I am particularly interested in male Tapscotts bearing the last name "Tapscott" wishing to undergo yDNA testing. Now would be a good time since Family Tree has price reductions on their DNA tests. Don't hesitate to communicate with me to discuss this.


  1. Bob, how can I get the test done?

  2. See If the name "Tapscott" has not passed down to you through an all-male line, yDNA testing will not show a Tapscott connection though it may show other connections of interest. To prove a Tapscott connection with a mixed-sex lineage requires autosomal testing, which is actually cheaper, but much more likely to give false negatives and false positives. Autosomal is the only testing done by and is what Family Tree DNA calls Family Finder. Drop me a personal email if you need more information.


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